
I try (fairly unsuccessfully)to make sure everything that appears on the CTC front page is original content. And when I flagrantly rip someone off, I usually acknowledge it.

Not so on the seedy, less commercial but certainly no more hard cored second page. Here I present my personal best of stuff that I didn't make. Mainly YouTube clips that make me laugh or think or both, and some other stuff.

Hopefully if my blog posts have left you wondering what kind of messed up excuse for a mind could possibly be coming up with the idiotic ramblings of the front page, a glimpse into stuff that makes me smile will shed some light on the subject.

Or not.

The Porpoise Driven Life

Muppets Danny Boy

The Subject of Language as interpreted by Fry & Laurie

The World is Awesome

Captain Valor

Tone Matrix

Sunday Morning

Getting Down with the North Korean People's Army

ABC Television News Remixed 

National Novel Writers' Month (Nanowrimo)


The Reality TV Show Generator 

Prejudice as denounced by Tim Minchin